Translated by NVVICIOUS
Name: Hidemi Uematsu
Birthday: January 16, 1986
Birthplace: Sado Island
Blood Type: B
Hidemi Uematsu grew up in an eccentric environment. Always eager to dance and sing, she inherited her parents’ interests in entertaining. Although an entertainer, her father was strict, and this eventually led to her parents’ separation when she was young. It was then that they became financially unstable, and found it difficult to support themselves. Uematsu’s father became increasingly estranged from her and her mother, who both continued to struggled to survive.
At the age of 15, Hidemi Uematsu decided to become a singer, applying to so many auditionings. Due to her troubled life, she had a hard time maintaining friendships and was unable to adjust to high school so she left; but she did not leave behind her passion for singing.
When Uematsu was about 20 years old, she started working at the Tokorozawa Girls’ Club. Influenced by black music, she started to create her own music using a recorder that was in the club she was working at.
Although she is Japanese, Uematsu wants to express the world of a black person through their music. In order to establish a sense of their world, their friends and acquaintances, their social network, she would use every available means to understand even the truckmakers, as she begins to deepen her understanding of their world.
In those days, girl clothes and makeup were her getup for battle, a battle gear she wore to protect herself from being hurt. She wants to release through the words of her lyrics the emotions she has felt. She wants you to hear and see the shock and the gap that she saw and heard. She has produced a demo tape of a song that has become her major debut.