Voices of a Forgotten History
Generations upon a time where history scarred itself a fucked up face*unsure
Peace travel down a rugged path and became lost in its own existence
We have become the cavities stretched into society's fangs
Consecrated in the decay of our bloodstained past
So now our slained traditions in my veins
And though the pain is been instrumental
We continue to walk to different beats
Because there is no fuckin' peace
See I discovered the word "Hmong" pasted on the back of a milk carton with no reward
Chugged down by cultural braggadocios oblivious to the fact there was nothing more
Than assimulated holes
Victims of white America's oppression
And though their aggression
Once sung glorified songs of death and revolution
The weight of a guns supporting tickling my spine*
So I choose to kill with my tongue
Split split brung forth and unsatisfied by the fuckin' stereotypes
Where peers have become walking caricatures of what I should be
But beneath these Picasso-like figures I can hear the truth
Panting in the distance where Jang Dai and Cao Fa
Sit in the poaches of our existence where they are souls clutched to the tongues
They are the voices of a forgotten history
Singing of America: "Oh say can you see That by the dawn's early light"
She will have raped my cultural of its essence*
An instituted identity crisis among its inhabitants
An ethnocentric faith walks beside a gun drawn God
Whose crucified son insists that salvation will arrive
But only without extinction
See terrorism is bad because disintegration* dwells within the pages of the bible
Thus the apocafle God's supposed to remain nine to narticles* so irony bleeds in the name of God
For in Him, we have the capacity to carry on a war
But humanity is stripped of its pride and hunger strikes the poor
I said, In Him, we have the capacity to carry on a war
But humanity is stripped of its fuckin' pride and hunger strikes the poor
So Jesus will succumb to the death of common's kiss*
Because there is no fuckin' peace
Brutality is a genetic disease
I consecrate my prayers in the blood of fallen generations
Where ancestors will run through my palms
And shoot through my soul shamanistic bullets
Risen of fallen spirits that breathe through my pores
Opium sweat reeking of freedom
And though there is more than one Hmong
I often feel alone
A generation lost within its own lineage
America has led us down individual paths
Cutting ties to us gang woven past*
Trading in traditions for blue eyed religions
Our mountains of cultural faith
Have been worn down by blood rid of water
Drowning the seas of our future
But still I will pledge no allegiance to a fuckin' sweatshop produced flag
And I will drink no milk with my name pasted on the back
Ignorance is fuckin' bliss and some brothers may love this
Haven't forgotten the truth in their people
I encourage you to harden your hearts and learn not to cry
History will be read between the lines
Where silent genocides will expose us
As the orphans of time
Show us peace and unity and we will be there
A generation entangled within ourselves
We sniffed assimilation like a drug
Unconscious of our own existence as the echoes of eternity
The echoes of eternity
The echoes of eternity hidden beneath the shadows of a giant
The deaf will see clarity
And the mute will speak loudly
Where incense clouds will eclipsed
Until truth to expose us to a part of ourselves
We once forgot
We are the voices of a forgotten history
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