March 5, 2013

Been a while

Hello. NERO here.

It's a been a while since I last did anything for this blog :(
But fear not because my spring break is in two weeks!

I will do my best to finish translating the rest of Miu's songs. ^_^

Oh, and this is my 100th post! hehe


  1. Waaah, when I saw your post I thought you'd announce that you wouldn't finish translating the album. ;;

    Excited for the other translations!

  2. Sorry for nagging, but... are you still working on the translations? Please keep up the good work!

    1. I'm still working on them, don't worry! :D And thank you for the encouragement! I will get them done as soon as possible! 5 projects to do in one week took up my entire break so I wasn't able to work on them ;_;
